
"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."

harper: baking with me and she discovered her reflection. she spent several minutes making silly faces before resuming bowl licking duties.

sawyer: this babe loves to play independently. he is crawling wherever he likes, climbing stairs and tables and exploring life to its fullest. here he is "so big."

i've decided to give it another go this year. i am so grateful to have a full year of weekly documented portraits. i would like to use this year as a sort of journal for the children, documenting their interests and developments throughout the week. that is my goal, anyway. i thought maybe i would do this project independently and not use the blog, but have discovered that the blog is what pushes me to actually upload photos and be diligent about dusting off the camera. where i go with the blog beyond these portraits, i'm not sure of yet. 

linking up with jodi and all of the other lovelies.

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